Claudio C. Ramírez. Bachelor of Biological Sciences, Catholic University of Chile. PhD in Ecology, University of Chile. Full Professor University of Talca. My interest is focused on insect-plant interactions from a perspective that addresses proximal (ecological) and distal (evolutionary) causes. This approximation intends to contribute to the knowledge of herbivory patterns observed in natural and productive systems. From the point of view of proximal causes, I am interested in the behavioral and morphological mechanisms of insects regarding their feeding patterns, as well as the chemical and morphological defense mechanisms of plants in response to attack by phytophagous insects. In relation to distal causes, I am interested in the association between proximal mechanisms and reproductive parameters of interacting pairs. I have studied these aspects in hemipteran insects of the Aphididae, which are important crop pests worldwide. The herbivory patterns of native species of insects are also part of my interest.

Angélica Gonzá-González. First degree in Bioinformatic at University of Talca. Present: Phd student in the Magister in Applied Ecology, University of Talca. My thesis is entitle: "Changes in aphid saliva in response to chemical defenses of cereals depending on the presence of a facultative endosymbiont: The case of the grain aphid Sitobion avenae associated with the S-symbiont Regiella insecticola feeding on the host Triticum aestivum.

Ricardo Riveros Canessa. First degree in Bioinformatic at University of Talca. Present: Student in the Magister in Applied Ecology, University of Talca. My thesis is entitle: "Relationship between resistance to aphids and tolerance to drought: the case of potatoes"

José Martín Romero. Bilingual Bachelor, Technological Institute and Superior Studies of Monterrey., ITESM Campus Aguascalientes. Bachelor Degree In Biology, Autonomous University of Aguascalientes, Mexico. Master of Science in Conservation and use of natural resources. Mention Biodiversity of Neotropic. National Polytechnic Institute, Mexico. Present: PhD student in Plant Biology and Biotechnology, University of Talca.

Asel Guilarte-Gainza. MSc. Biotechnology. Researcher at Universidad de Moa Dr. Antonio Núñez Jiménez. He has worked at the Center for Industrial Biotechnology Studies (CEBI), Santiago de Cuba, in the Faculty of Natural Sciences of the Universidad de Oriente (MES) in Cuba, the Camagüey Marine Research Center (CIMAC) and the Center for Environmental Studies (Moa University) also in Cuba, where he was director for three years.

Alison Miranda-Miranda. Student of fifth year of Biochemistry, University of Talca, with interests in Ecology. Currently I am articulating courses in the Master of Applied Ecology and conducting a research unit on the relationship between autumn colors of native tree leaves and native primitive aphids.
Angela Martínez-Cardoza.I am 33 years old, I am Salvadoran, graduated as an Agronomy Technician and as a Graduate in Agribusiness Administration at the Universidad Centroamericana José Simeón Cañas. currently a Master's student in Applied Ecology at the University of Talca. I work for the National Center for Agricultural and Forestry Technology "Enrique Álvarez Córdoba" of El Salvador as a technician in the research area. My work experience began in 2011 mainly in agricultural extension work, training and providing technical assistance to small producers from different departments of El Salvador, focused on the area of food and nutritional security and sustainable agricultural production practices, especially in grain crops. staples and small-scale vegetables.

Felipe Raglianti Herzog. PhD in Science Studies, Lancaster University. Post-doctoral Researcher, Institute for Interdisciplinary Innovation, University of Talca. Assistant Lecturer, Faculty of Social Science, Universities of Chile, Andrés Bello, & Alberto Hurtado. Felipe’s research explores the cultural life of laboratory work, with an interest in speculative methods. His work at the Insect-plant Interaction Lab focuses on the themes of sustainable agricultural transition and technological transference in laboratory plant-science.

Daniela Sepúlveda. PhD in Agricultural Sciences, Universidad de Talca. Post-doctoral Researcher, Institute of Biological Sciences, University of Talca. My project (Fondecyt # 3240368 is entitle: "Effect of water deficit on multitrophic interactions in agroecosystems: can biological control of cereal aphids fail as a result of water deficit?"
Carlos Villarroel Figueroa. Investigation of the role of Myzus persicae salivary proteins and its interaction with endosymbionts in the adaptation to host-plants. DI-UTAL-2021-2022. Currently academic at the Faculty of Agricultural Sciences and Forestry, Universidad Católica del Maule, Talca, Chile.
Rubén Palma (Inv. Resp.), Ramirez C (supervisor). Fondecyt Nº 3130464, “Caracterización y variaciones interpoblacionales de proteínas olfativas de la especie plaga nativa Hylamorpha elegans (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae): hacia el desarrollo de estrategias de control y potencial evolutivo invasor”. (2013-2015). Currently researcher at the National Institute of Agricultural Research at La Cruz, Valparaiso, Chile
Wilson Barros (Inv. Resp.), Ramirez C (supervisor). Fondecyt Nº314028. “Impacto del daño del pulgon verde del duraznero sobre la infestacion de la polilla oriental de la fruta en cultivares comerciales de duraznero y nectarin”. (2014-2016). Currently Academic at the Faculty of Agronomy, Pontifical Catholic university of Valparaiso, Chile.
Jaime Verdugo Leal. Effect of water availability on the interaction between tomato and the greenhouse whitefly Trialeurodes vaporariorum. Millenium Nuclei CEM (2014). Currently academic at the Faculty of Education, Universidad de Talca, campus Linares, Linares, Chile.
Maria Eugenia Rubio. 2015. Movement of the green peach aphid Myzus persicae between peach orchards and weeds. PhD in Agricultural Sciences (CNA-Chile), Agronomy Faculty, Talca University.
Joceline Barrios San Martín. 2014. Genetic and phenotypic differences among two contracting genotypes of the aphid Sitobion avenaePhD in Agricultural Sciences (CNA-Chile), Agronomy Faculty, Talca University.
José Rubiano-Rodríguez. 2014. Evaluación temporal y espacial de la variabilidad genética y la resistencia a insecticidas de Myzus persicae (Sulzer) en huertos de duraznero (Prunus persica) y pimentón (Capsicum annuum) en la VI y VII región de Chile. PhD in Agricultural Sciences (CNA-Chile), Agronomy Faculty, Talca University. Co-supervision with Eduardo Fuentes and Christian Figueroa.
Jaime A. Verdugo. 2013. Defense response of peaches to the green peach aphids under water deficit conditions. PhD in Agricultural Sciences (CNA-Chile), Agronomy Faculty, Talca University in double doctorat with Gembloux Agro-Bio Tech - Université de Liège.
Daniel Tapia Herrera. 2008. Learning in phytophagous insects: Differences in information processing regarding host plant traits and in gene expression between two aphids with different degrees of specialization. PhD in Science with mention in Ecology and Evolutionary Biology. Universidad de Chile.
María Jesús Trivelli. Effects of a fungal-bacterial consortium and its individual components on wheat Plants (Triticum aestivum) under water deficit. (2024)
Justine Van Merhaeghe. Effects of a fungal-bacterial consortium along with their individual components on the resistance to the English grain aphid on wheat under water deficit. (2023)
Alan Álvarez Lagazzi. Assessment of Bacillus subtilis for biological control of the grain Sitobion avenae (Hemiptera, Aphididae) in relation to the presence of facultative endosymbiotic bacteria. M.Sc., Applied Ecology, Universidad de Talca. (2020).
Céleste Quaghebeur. Evaluation of feeding behaviour of Acyrtosiphon pisum Harris (Aphididae) clones according to changes of plant growth promoting rhizobacteria occurrence on host plant in Chile. M.Sc., Bioengineering, Liege University (2018).
Guillermo Ramírez. Defensive behavior of the cereal aphid Sitobion avenae between different genotypes, host-plants and the secondary endosymbiont Regiella insecticola. M.Sc., Applied Ecology, Universidad de Talca.
Mario Moya-Hernández. Intraspecific competition in Sitobion avenae mediated by the facultative endosymbiont Regiella insecticola. M.Sc., Applied Ecology, Universidad de Talca. (2016)
Anais Delatour (co-directed: Frederic Francis, Liege University, Belgium). Behavior and interactions between two predominant clones of Acyrthosiphon pisum in Chile. M.Sc., Bioengineering, Liege University (2015).
Leandro Maheiu (codirected: Frederic Francis, Liege University, Belgium). Aphid-plant interaction: Population dynamics and coexistence of two clones based on the host-plant and facultative endosymbionts. M.Sc., Bioengineering, Liege University (2015).
Alejandra Basoalto (codirected: Eduardo Fuentes-Contreras). Population genetic structure of the codling moth (Cydia pomonella) in Chile. M.Sc., Horticulture, Universidad de Talca (2013).
Maria Eugenia Rubio. Resistance and tolerance to aphid in wheat under water deficit conditions. Master in Horticulture (CNA-Chile), Agronomy Faculty, Talca University. (2010).
Jaime Verdugo. Búsqueda de la base genética que determina la especialización en el áfido plaga Sitobion avenae. Master in Horticulture (CNA-Chile). Universidad de Talca. (2008)
Francisco Ibacache-Carión. Velocidad de propagación de señales eléctricas en plantas en respuesta al estrés mecánico. 2023
Valentina Castillo. Estudio de la variación latitudinal de la resistencia a la polilla del álamo en la especie Populus nigra L. en Chile: un estudio de jardín común. Agronomy. Talca University. 2022.
Osvaldo Palma. Study on the antixenosis toward the moth Leucoptera sinuella among intraspecific hybrids of Populus spp. Agronomy. Talca University. (2021)
Diego Parada Orellana. Efecto de la pre-Infestación y déficit hídrico en la preferencia y desempeño de la mosquita blanca de los invernaderos Trialeurodes vaporariorum (Hemiptera: Aleyrodidae) en dos cultivares de tomate commercial. Agronomy. Talca University.
Alan Álvarez Lagazzi. Conducta alimentaria de Sitobion avenae (Hemiptera, Aphididae) mediado por endosimbionte facultativo Regiella insecticola (Enterobacteriales, Enterobacteriaceae). Agronomy. Talca University.
Catalina Castro. Patrón de reflectancia en trigo y avena por efecto del ataque de áfidos. Agronomy. Talca University. 2015.
Sebastián Salas. Variabilidad espacial de Myzus persicae en huertos comerciales de Prunus persica ubicados en la VI Región. Agronomy. Talca University. 2015.
Karla Vega. Desempeño de pulgones introducidos en plantas nativas de la zona central de Chile. Agronomy. Talca University. 2015.
Felipe Piña. Evaluación de la variabilidad genética del pulgón negro de los cereales, Rhopalosiphum padi, en Chile central. Agronomy. Talca University. 2015.
María Jesús Barrenechea. Composición de endosimbiontes facultativos en Macrosiphum euphorbiae Thomas y su relación con la planta hospedera. Agronomy. Talca University. 2015.
Paola Salgado Norambuena. Estudio de variabilidad genética en ocho localidades de maqui (Aristotelia chilensis) provenientes de Chile, mediante aflp y microsatélite de cloroplasto. Agronomy. Talca University. 2014.
Angélica González González. Búsqueda y caracterización evolutiva de genes relacionados con la percepción de estímulos químicos en el genoma del escarabajo nativo Hylamorpha elegans Burmeister. Bioinformatic Engineering, Talca University. 2014.
Alejandro Escobar. Evaluación del desempeño de Myzus persicae en nectarines (Prunus persica var. nectarina) y en Raphanus raphanistrum l. como hospedero secundario. Agronomy. Talca University. 2013.
Rodrigo Coumsille. Estudio de la conducta de selección de plantas hospederas y genes de olfato en genotipos del áfido Sitobion avenae (Homoptera: Aphididae) que difieren en el número de Rhinarias secundarias”. Bioinformatic Engineering, Talca University. 2012.
Diego Valenzuela. Evaluación del desarrollo temprano del nectarin posterior al ataque del pulgón verde del duraznero (Myzus persicae) y riego diferencial. Agronomy. Talca University. 2012.
Cristofer Cerpa Azúa. Inducción de sexualidad en diferentes genotipos de Myzus persicae presentes en chile. Agronomy. Talca University. 2012.
Rodrigo Bravo. Resistance to the green peach aphid of nectarine cultivars under water deficient conditions. Agronomy. Talca University. 2011.
Marcelo Rojas-Herrera. Phylogenetic reconstruction of the aphid genus Neuquenaphis. (Hemiptera, Aphididae, Neuquenaphidinae). Bioinformatic Engineering, Talca University. 2010.
Gabriel Ballesteros. ESTs and characterization of chemical communication-related genes from the grain aphid Sitobion avenae. Bioinformatic Engineering, Talca University. 2010.
Maximiliano Riveros. Behavior of the aphid aphid Chaitophorus leucomelas Koch to two Populus crosses subjected to water stress. Forest Engineering, Talca University. 2008.