Aphid behavior and REPRODUCTION: We studied the patterns of probing behavior and reproductive outputs of various aphid species trying to understand how they respond to different plant characteristics in different contexts.
PLANT RESPONSES TO APHID DAMAGE: We study plant attributes relevant to aphid ecology, focusing mainly on plant traits such as chemical defenses, morphology, leaf color variation, among others.
APHID´S UMWELT: We study aphids and the environment that surrounds them, both from the point of view of how that environment affects the aphids and how they affect the surrounding environment. The environmental factors that we study the most are the availability of resources and interactions with other organisms, mainly microorganisms.
Current grants:
Regular Fondecyt Nº No1230406 (2023-2026): Unraveling the relationship between aphid resistance and drought tolerance in a crop: an integrative approach in potatoes. Principal investigator.
AGCID-Chile (2023-2025). Aggressive interactions between biocultures: study of adaptation mechanisms for the development of sustainable control strategies in the context of climate change. Investigator in charge of the Chilean part. Director of the Chilean team.
IVAC III- DAAD. (2023) Isolation in fragmented landscapes -concepts, exchange & practical skills.